These are just a few of the stories about the youth YOU impact by supporting our important mission...
One Child At A Time...
Here are some ways you can donate:
2023 was a busy year for Angels! We provided funds for 995 children totaling over $245,000!
With the help of the MrBallen Foundation, we also served the largest number of families in our history through our Holiday Store reaching over 1,500 children. We continue to grow the number of referring partners working with us and for this, we are extremely grateful.
Along with fulfilling our general referral requests, we continue to provide funds for children of incarcerated parents to participate in monthly experiences/outings, just like we provide monthly outings for children who have been victimized by the sex trafficking industry. We also support youth who fit within our mission to attend Acres of Hope Youth Ranch.
With your partnership, we can continue to serve these already vulnerable kids and help them come out on the other end of their recovery with support, new resources and hope.
Thank you for being a part of our very important mission.